
While our company is new, we have been working on these projects and these issues for decades. Below are a few representative projects we had the privilege of working on over the years.

Red Bull Stratos

Dr. Jon Clark and Dr. Alex Garbino advised on the Red Bull Stratos high-altitude jump, providing medical support, medical consulting, and physiological monitoring. Dr. Jon Clark served as Medical Director, assessing and tracking medical and physiological challenges over the course of the three year mission.

StratEx Space Dive

Using a precursor company, Dr. Jon Clark, MD/MPH, Dr. Alex Garbino, MD/PhD, and Dr. Giugi Carminati, Esq., JSD, delivered aerospace medical consulting and field support operations on the StratEx Space Dive. From informed consent to physiological monitoring and coordinating field chase teams, our personnel was on the frontlines of this groundbreaking event.

The Alpha 5 Project

The Alpha 5 Project, led by Larry Connor, broke the world record for high-altitude balloon jump. After ascending to an altitude of 38,067 feet, a five-person team executed a midair formation and ultimately landed approximately 14 miles away from their launch site. Dr. Alex Garbino, MD/PhD served as Medical Lead and Dr. Jon Clark, MD/MPH served as Safety Lead.